/* * Lazy Load * Project home:http://www.appelsiini.net/projects/lazyload */ (function (a, b, c, d) { var e = a(b); a.fn.lazyload = function (c) { function i() { var b = 0; f.each(function () { var c = a(this); if (h.skip_invisible && !c.is(":visible")) return; if (!a.abovethetop(this, h) && !a.leftofbegin(this, h)) if (!a.belowthefold(this, h) && !a.rightoffold(this, h)) c.trigger("appear"), b = 0; else if (++b > h.failure_limit) return !1 }) } var f = this, g, h = { threshold: 0, failure_limit: 0, event: "scroll", effect: "show", container: b, data_attribute: "original", skip_invisible: !0, appear: null, load: null }; return c && (d !== c.failurelimit && (c.failure_limit = c.failurelimit, delete c.failurelimit), d !== c.effectspeed && (c.effect_speed = c.effectspeed, delete c.effectspeed), a.extend(h, c)), g = h.container === d || h.container === b ? e : a(h.container), 0 === h.event.indexOf("scroll") && g.bind(h.event, function (a) { return i() }), this.each(function () { var b = this, c = a(b); b.loaded = !1, c.one("appear", function () { if (!this.loaded) { if (h.appear) { var d = f.length; h.appear.call(b, d, h) } a("").bind("load", function () { c.hide().attr("src", c.data(h.data_attribute))[h.effect](h.effect_speed), b.loaded = !0; var d = a.grep(f, function (a) { return !a.loaded }); f = a(d); if (h.load) { var e = f.length; h.load.call(b, e, h) } }).attr("src", c.data(h.data_attribute)) } }), 0 !== h.event.indexOf("scroll") && c.bind(h.event, function (a) { b.loaded || c.trigger("appear") }) }), e.bind("resize", function (a) { i() }), /iphone|ipod|ipad.*os 5/gi.test(navigator.appVersion) && e.bind("pageshow", function (b) { b.originalEvent.persisted && f.each(function () { a(this).trigger("appear") }) }), a(b).load(function () { i() }), this }, a.belowthefold = function (c, f) { var g; return f.container === d || f.container === b ? g = e.height() + e.scrollTop() : g = a(f.container).offset().top + a(f.container).height(), g <= a(c).offset().top - f.threshold }, a.rightoffold = function (c, f) { var g; return f.container === d || f.container === b ? g = e.width() + e.scrollLeft() : g = a(f.container).offset().left + a(f.container).width(), g <= a(c).offset().left - f.threshold }, a.abovethetop = function (c, f) { var g; return f.container === d || f.container === b ? g = e.scrollTop() : g = a(f.container).offset().top, g >= a(c).offset().top + f.threshold + a(c).height() }, a.leftofbegin = function (c, f) { var g; return f.container === d || f.container === b ? g = e.scrollLeft() : g = a(f.container).offset().left, g >= a(c).offset().left + f.threshold + a(c).width() }, a.inviewport = function (b, c) { return !a.rightoffold(b, c) && !a.leftofbegin(b, c) && !a.belowthefold(b, c) && !a.abovethetop(b, c) }, a.extend(a.expr[":"], { "below-the-fold": function (b) { return a.belowthefold(b, { threshold: 0 }) }, "above-the-top": function (b) { return !a.belowthefold(b, { threshold: 0 }) }, "right-of-screen": function (b) { return a.rightoffold(b, { threshold: 0 }) }, "left-of-screen": function (b) { return !a.rightoffold(b, { threshold: 0 }) }, "in-viewport": function (b) { return a.inviewport(b, { threshold: 0 }) }, "above-the-fold": function (b) { return !a.belowthefold(b, { threshold: 0 }) }, "right-of-fold": function (b) { return a.rightoffold(b, { threshold: 0 }) }, "left-of-fold": function (b) { return !a.rightoffold(b, { threshold: 0 }) } }) })(jQuery, window, document); /*lunbo support slide and fade */ (function (a) { a.fn.slides = function (b) { return b = a.extend({}, a.fn.slides.option, b), this.each(function () { function w(g, h, i) { if (!p && o) { p = !0, b.animationStart(n + 1); switch (g) { case "next": l = n, k = n + 1, k = e === k ? 0 : k, r = f * 2, g = -f * 2, n = k; break; case "prev": l = n, k = n - 1, k = k === -1 ? e - 1 : k, r = 0, g = 0, n = k; break; case "pagination": k = parseInt(i, 10), l = a("." + b.paginationClass + " li." + b.currentClass + " a", c).attr("href").match("[^#/]+$"), k > l ? (r = f * 2, g = -f * 2) : (r = 0, g = 0), n = k } h === "fade" ? b.crossfade ? d.children(":eq(" + k + ")", c).css({ zIndex: 10 }).fadeIn(b.fadeSpeed, b.fadeEasing, function () { b.autoHeight ? d.animate({ height: d.children(":eq(" + k + ")", c).outerHeight() }, b.autoHeightSpeed, function () { d.children(":eq(" + l + ")", c).css({ display: "none", zIndex: 0 }), d.children(":eq(" + k + ")", c).css({ zIndex: 0 }), b.animationComplete(k + 1, c), p = !1 }) : (d.children(":eq(" + l + ")", c).css({ display: "none", zIndex: 0 }), d.children(":eq(" + k + ")", c).css({ zIndex: 0 }), b.animationComplete(k + 1, c), p = !1) }) : d.children(":eq(" + l + ")", c).fadeOut(b.fadeSpeed, b.fadeEasing, function () { b.autoHeight ? d.animate({ height: d.children(":eq(" + k + ")", c).outerHeight() }, b.autoHeightSpeed, function () { d.children(":eq(" + k + ")", c).fadeIn(b.fadeSpeed, b.fadeEasing) }) : d.children(":eq(" + k + ")", c).fadeIn(b.fadeSpeed, b.fadeEasing, function () { a.browser.msie && a(this).get(0).style.removeAttribute("filter") }), b.animationComplete(k + 1, c), p = !1 }) : (d.children(":eq(" + k + ")").css({ left: r, display: "block" }), b.autoHeight ? d.animate({ left: g, height: d.children(":eq(" + k + ")").outerHeight() }, b.slideSpeed, b.slideEasing, function () { d.css({ left: -f }), d.children(":eq(" + k + ")").css({ left: f, zIndex: 5 }), d.children(":eq(" + l + ")").css({ left: f, display: "none", zIndex: 0 }), b.animationComplete(k + 1, c), p = !1 }) : d.animate({ left: g }, b.slideSpeed, b.slideEasing, function () { d.css({ left: -f }), d.children(":eq(" + k + ")").css({ left: f, zIndex: 5 }), d.children(":eq(" + l + ")").css({ left: f, display: "none", zIndex: 0 }), b.animationComplete(k + 1, c), p = !1 })), b.pagination && (a("." + b.paginationClass + " li." + b.currentClass, c).removeClass(b.currentClass), a("." + b.paginationClass + " li:eq(" + k + ")", c).addClass(b.currentClass)) } } function x() { clearInterval(c.data("interval")) } function y() { b.pause ? (clearTimeout(c.data("pause")), clearInterval(c.data("interval")), u = setTimeout(function () { clearTimeout(c.data("pause")), v = setInterval(function () { w("next", i) }, b.play), c.data("interval", v) }, b.pause), c.data("pause", u)) : x() } if (b.withTitle) { var title_lists = ""; a("." + b.container, a(this)).find("a").each(function () { var title = a(this).attr("title"); var link = a(this).attr("href"); title_lists += '
  • ' + title + '
  • '; }); a(this).after(''); b.slidesLoaded(a(this)); } a("." + b.container, a(this)).children().wrapAll('
    '); var c = a(this), d = a(".slides_control", c), e = d.children().size(), f = d.children().outerWidth(), g = d.children().outerHeight(), h = b.start - 1, i = b.effect.indexOf(",") < 0 ? b.effect : b.effect.replace(" ", "").split(",")[0], j = b.effect.indexOf(",") < 0 ? i : b.effect.replace(" ", "").split(",")[1], k = 0, l = 0, m = 0, n = 0, o, p, q, r, s, t, u, v; if (e < 2) return a("." + b.container, a(this)).fadeIn(b.fadeSpeed, b.fadeEasing, function () { o = !0 //b.slidesLoaded() }), a("." + b.next + ", ." + b.prev).fadeOut(0), !1; if (e < 2) return; h < 0 && (h = 0), h > e && (h = e - 1), b.start && (n = h), b.randomize && d.randomize(), a("." + b.container, c).css({ overflow: "hidden", position: "relative" }), d.children().css({ position: "absolute", top: 0, left: d.children().outerWidth(), zIndex: 0, display: "none" }), d.css({ position: "relative", width: f * 3, height: g, left: -f }), a("." + b.container, c).css({ display: "block" }), b.autoHeight && (d.children().css({ height: "auto" }), d.animate({ height: d.children(":eq(" + h + ")").outerHeight() }, b.autoHeightSpeed)); if (b.preload && d.find("img:eq(" + h + ")").length) { a("." + b.container, c).css({ background: "url(" + b.preloadImage + ") no-repeat 50% 50%" }); var z = d.find("img:eq(" + h + ")").attr("src") + "?" + (new Date).getTime(); a("img", c).parent().attr("class") != "slides_control" ? t = d.children(":eq(0)")[0].tagName.toLowerCase() : t = d.find("img:eq(" + h + ")"), d.find("img:eq(" + h + ")").attr("src", z).load(function () { d.find(t + ":eq(" + h + ")").fadeIn(b.fadeSpeed, b.fadeEasing, function () { a(this).css({ zIndex: 5 }), a("." + b.container, c).css({ background: "" }), o = !0 //b.slidesLoaded() }) }) } else d.children(":eq(" + h + ")").fadeIn(b.fadeSpeed, b.fadeEasing, function () { o = !0 //b.slidesLoaded() }); b.bigTarget && (d.children().css({ cursor: "pointer" }), d.children().click(function () { return w("next", i), !1 })), b.hoverPause && b.play && (d.bind("mouseover", function () { x() }), d.bind("mouseleave", function () { y() })), b.generateNextPrev && (a("." + b.container, c).after('Prev'), a("." + b.prev, c).after('Next')), a("." + b.next, c).click(function (a) { a.preventDefault(), b.play && y(), w("next", i) }), a("." + b.prev, c).click(function (a) { a.preventDefault(), b.play && y(), w("prev", i) }), b.generatePagination ? (b.prependPagination ? c.prepend("") : c.append(""), d.children().each(function () { a("." + b.paginationClass, c).append('
  • ' + (m + 1) + "
  • "), m++ })) : a("." + b.paginationClass + " li a", c).each(function () { a(this).attr("href", "#" + m), m++ }), a("." + b.paginationClass + " li:eq(" + h + ")", c).addClass(b.currentClass), a("." + b.paginationClass + " li a", c).hover(function () { return b.play && y(), q = a(this).attr("href").match("[^#/]+$"), n != q && w("pagination", j, q), !1 }), a("a.link", c).click(function () { return b.play && y(), q = a(this).attr("href").match("[^#/]+$") - 1, n != q && w("pagination", j, q), !1 }), b.play && (v = setInterval(function () { w("next", i) }, b.play), c.data("interval", v)) }) }, a.fn.slides.option = { preload: !1, preloadImage: "/img/loading.gif", container: "slides_container", generateNextPrev: !1, next: "next", prev: "prev", pagination: !0, generatePagination: !0, prependPagination: !1, paginationClass: "pagination", currentClass: "current", fadeSpeed: 350, fadeEasing: "", slideSpeed: 350, slideEasing: "", start: 1, effect: "slide", crossfade: true, randomize: !1, play: 0, pause: 0, hoverPause: true, autoHeight: !1, autoHeightSpeed: 350, bigTarget: !1, withTitle: !1, animationStart: function (element) { }, animationComplete: function (index, ele) { var _target = ele.next(".slider_title_lists"); if (_target.size() > 0) { _target.find("li").hide(); _target.find("li:eq(" + (index - 1) + ")").show(); } }, slidesLoaded: function (element) { element.next(".slider_title_lists").find("li:eq(0)").show(); } }, a.fn.randomize = function (b) { function c() { return Math.round(Math.random()) - .5 } return a(this).each(function () { var d = a(this), e = d.children(), f = e.length; if (f > 1) { e.hide(); var g = []; for (i = 0; i < f; i++) g[g.length] = i; g = g.sort(c), a.each(g, function (a, c) { var f = e.eq(c), g = f.clone(!0); g.show().appendTo(d), b !== undefined && b(f, g), f.remove() }) } }) } })(jQuery); /*jquery tools*/ (function (a, b) { a.tools = a.tools || { version: "v1.2.7" }; var c = [], d = {}, e, f = [75, 76, 38, 39, 74, 72, 40, 37], g = {}; e = a.tools.dateinput = { conf: { format: "mm/dd/yy", formatter: "default", selectors: !1, yearRange: [-5, 5], lang: "en", offset: [0, 0], speed: 0, firstDay: 0, min: b, max: b, trigger: 0, toggle: 0, editable: 0, css: { prefix: "cal", input: "date", root: 0, head: 0, title: 0, prev: 0, next: 0, month: 0, year: 0, days: 0, body: 0, weeks: 0, today: 0, current: 0, week: 0, off: 0, sunday: 0, focus: 0, disabled: 0, trigger: 0 } }, addFormatter: function (a, b) { d[a] = b }, localize: function (b, c) { a.each(c, function (a, b) { c[a] = b.split(",") }), g[b] = c } }, e.localize("en", { months: "January,February,March,April,May,June,July,August,September,October,November,December", shortMonths: "Jan,Feb,Mar,Apr,May,Jun,Jul,Aug,Sep,Oct,Nov,Dec", days: "Sunday,Monday,Tuesday,Wednesday,Thursday,Friday,Saturday", shortDays: "Sun,Mon,Tue,Wed,Thu,Fri,Sat" }); function h(a, b) { return (new Date(a, b + 1, 0)).getDate() } function i(a, b) { a = "" + a, b = b || 2; while (a.length < b) a = "0" + a; return a } var j = a(""); function k(a, b, c, e) { var f = b.getDate(), h = b.getDay(), k = b.getMonth(), l = b.getFullYear(), m = { d: f, dd: i(f), ddd: g[e].shortDays[h], dddd: g[e].days[h], m: k + 1, mm: i(k + 1), mmm: g[e].shortMonths[k], mmmm: g[e].months[k], yy: String(l).slice(2), yyyy: l }, n = d[a](c, b, m, e); return j.html(n).html() } e.addFormatter("default", function (a, b, c, d) { return a.replace(/d{1,4}|m{1,4}|yy(?:yy)?|"[^"]*"|'[^']*'/g, function (a) { return a in c ? c[a] : a }) }), e.addFormatter("prefixed", function (a, b, c, d) { return a.replace(/%(d{1,4}|m{1,4}|yy(?:yy)?|"[^"]*"|'[^']*')/g, function (a, b) { return b in c ? c[b] : a }) }); function l(a) { return parseInt(a, 10) } function m(a, b) { return a.getFullYear() === b.getFullYear() && a.getMonth() == b.getMonth() && a.getDate() == b.getDate() } function n(a) { if (a !== b) { if (a.constructor == Date) return a; if (typeof a == "string") { var c = a.split("-"); if (c.length == 3) return new Date(l(c[0]), l(c[1]) - 1, l(c[2])); if (!/^-?\d+$/.test(a)) return; a = l(a) } var d = new Date; d.setDate(d.getDate() + a); return d } } function o(d, e) { var i = this, j = new Date, o = j.getFullYear(), p = e.css, q = g[e.lang], r = a("#" + p.root), s = r.find("#" + p.title), t, u, v, w, x, y, z = d.attr("data-value") || e.value || d.val(), A = d.attr("min") || e.min, B = d.attr("max") || e.max, C, D; A === 0 && (A = "0"), z = n(z) || j, A = n(A || new Date(o + e.yearRange[0], 1, 1)), B = n(B || new Date(o + e.yearRange[1] + 1, 1, -1)); if (!q) throw "Dateinput: invalid language: " + e.lang; if (d.attr("type") == "date") { var D = d.clone(), E = D.wrap("
    ").parent().html(), F = a(E.replace(/type/i, "type=text data-orig-type")); e.value && F.val(e.value), d.replaceWith(F), d = F } d.addClass(p.input); var G = d.add(i); if (!r.length) { r = a("
    ").hide().css({ position: "absolute" }).attr("id", p.root), r.children().eq(0).attr("id", p.head).end().eq(1).attr("id", p.body).children().eq(0).attr("id", p.days).end().eq(1).attr("id", p.weeks).end().end().end().find("a").eq(0).attr("id", p.prev).end().eq(1).attr("id", p.next), s = r.find("#" + p.head).find("div").attr("id", p.title); if (e.selectors) { var H = a("").attr("id", p.year); s.html(H.add(I)) } var J = r.find("#" + p.days); for (var K = 0; K < 7; K++) J.append(a("").text(q.shortDays[(K + e.firstDay) % 7])); a("body").append(r) } e.trigger && (t = a("").attr("href", "#").addClass(p.trigger).click(function (a) { e.toggle ? i.toggle() : i.show(); return a.preventDefault() }).insertAfter(d)); var L = r.find("#" + p.weeks); I = r.find("#" + p.year), H = r.find("#" + p.month); function M(b, c, e) { z = b, w = b.getFullYear(), x = b.getMonth(), y = b.getDate(), e || (e = a.Event("api")), e.type == "click" && !a.browser.msie && d.focus(), e.type = "beforeChange", G.trigger(e, [b]); e.isDefaultPrevented() || (d.val(k(c.formatter, b, c.format, c.lang)), e.type = "change", G.trigger(e), d.data("date", b), i.hide(e)) } function N(b) { b.type = "onShow", G.trigger(b), a(document).on("keydown.d", function (b) { if (b.ctrlKey) return !0; var c = b.keyCode; if (c == 8 || c == 46) { d.val(""); return i.hide(b) } if (c == 27 || c == 9) return i.hide(b); if (a(f).index(c) >= 0) { if (!C) { i.show(b); return b.preventDefault() } var e = a("#" + p.weeks + " a"), g = a("." + p.focus), h = e.index(g); g.removeClass(p.focus); if (c == 74 || c == 40) h += 7; else if (c == 75 || c == 38) h -= 7; else if (c == 76 || c == 39) h += 1; else if (c == 72 || c == 37) h -= 1; h > 41 ? (i.addMonth(), g = a("#" + p.weeks + " a:eq(" + (h - 42) + ")")) : h < 0 ? (i.addMonth(-1), g = a("#" + p.weeks + " a:eq(" + (h + 42) + ")")) : g = e.eq(h), g.addClass(p.focus); return b.preventDefault() } if (c == 34) return i.addMonth(); if (c == 33) return i.addMonth(-1); if (c == 36) return i.today(); c == 13 && (a(b.target).is("select") || a("." + p.focus).click()); return a([16, 17, 18, 9]).index(c) >= 0 }), a(document).on("click.d", function (b) { var c = b.target; !a(c).parents("#" + p.root).length && c != d[0] && (!t || c != t[0]) && i.hide(b) }) } a.extend(i, { show: function (b) { if (!(d.attr("readonly") || d.attr("disabled") || C)) { b = b || a.Event(), b.type = "onBeforeShow", G.trigger(b); if (b.isDefaultPrevented()) return; a.each(c, function () { this.hide() }), C = !0, H.off("change").change(function () { i.setValue(l(I.val()), l(a(this).val())) }), I.off("change").change(function () { i.setValue(l(a(this).val()), l(H.val())) }), u = r.find("#" + p.prev).off("click").click(function (a) { u.hasClass(p.disabled) || i.addMonth(-1); return !1 }), v = r.find("#" + p.next).off("click").click(function (a) { v.hasClass(p.disabled) || i.addMonth(); return !1 }), i.setValue(z); var f = d.offset(); /iPad/i.test(navigator.userAgent) && (f.top -= a(window).scrollTop()), r.css({ top: f.top + d.outerHeight({ margins: !0 }) + e.offset[0], left: f.left + e.offset[1] }), e.speed ? r.show(e.speed, function () { N(b) }) : (r.show(), N(b)); return i } }, setValue: function (c, d, f) { var g = l(d) >= -1 ? new Date(l(c), l(d), l(f == b || isNaN(f) ? 1 : f)) : c || z; g < A ? g = A : g > B && (g = B), typeof c == "string" && (g = n(c)), c = g.getFullYear(), d = g.getMonth(), f = g.getDate(), d == -1 ? (d = 11, c--) : d == 12 && (d = 0, c++); if (!C) { M(g, e); return i } x = d, w = c, y = f; var k = new Date(c, d, 1 - e.firstDay), o = k.getDay(), r = h(c, d), t = h(c, d - 1), D; if (e.selectors) { H.empty(), a.each(q.months, function (b, d) { A < new Date(c, b + 1, 1) && B > new Date(c, b, 0) && H.append(a(""), G % 7 === 0 && (D = a("
    ").addClass(p.week), L.append(D)), G < o ? (J.addClass(p.off), K = t - o + G + 1, g = new Date(c, d - 1, K)) : G < o + r ? (K = G - o + 1, g = new Date(c, d, K), m(z, g) ? J.attr("id", p.current).addClass(p.focus) : m(j, g) && J.attr("id", p.today)) : (J.addClass(p.off), K = G - r - o + 1, g = new Date(c, d + 1, K)), A && g < A && J.add(u).addClass(p.disabled), B && g > B && J.add(v).addClass(p.disabled), J.attr("href", "#" + K).text(K).data("date", g), D.append(J); L.find("a").click(function (b) { var c = a(this); c.hasClass(p.disabled) || (a("#" + p.current).removeAttr("id"), c.attr("id", p.current), M(c.data("date"), e, b)); return !1 }), p.sunday && L.find("." + p.week).each(function () { var b = e.firstDay ? 7 - e.firstDay : 0; a(this).children().slice(b, b + 1).addClass(p.sunday) }); return i }, setMin: function (a, b) { A = n(a), b && z < A && i.setValue(A); return i }, setMax: function (a, b) { B = n(a), b && z > B && i.setValue(B); return i }, today: function () { return i.setValue(j) }, addDay: function (a) { return this.setValue(w, x, y + (a || 1)) }, addMonth: function (a) { var b = x + (a || 1), c = h(w, b), d = y <= c ? y : c; return this.setValue(w, b, d) }, addYear: function (a) { return this.setValue(w + (a || 1), x, y) }, destroy: function () { d.add(document).off("click.d keydown.d"), r.add(t).remove(), d.removeData("dateinput").removeClass(p.input), D && d.replaceWith(D) }, hide: function (b) { if (C) { b = a.Event(), b.type = "onHide", G.trigger(b); if (b.isDefaultPrevented()) return; a(document).off("click.d keydown.d"), r.hide(), C = !1 } return i }, toggle: function () { return i.isOpen() ? i.hide() : i.show() }, getConf: function () { return e }, getInput: function () { return d }, getCalendar: function () { return r }, getValue: function (a) { return a ? k(e.formatter, z, a, e.lang) : z }, isOpen: function () { return C } }), a.each(["onBeforeShow", "onShow", "change", "onHide"], function (b, c) { a.isFunction(e[c]) && a(i).on(c, e[c]), i[c] = function (b) { b && a(i).on(c, b); return i } }), e.editable || d.on("focus.d click.d", i.show).keydown(function (b) { var c = b.keyCode; if (C || a(f).index(c) < 0) (c == 8 || c == 46) && d.val(""); else { i.show(b); return b.preventDefault() } return b.shiftKey || b.ctrlKey || b.altKey || c == 9 ? !0 : b.preventDefault() }), n(d.val()) && M(z, e) } a.expr[":"].date = function (b) { var c = b.getAttribute("type"); return c && c == "date" || a(b).data("dateinput") }, a.fn.dateinput = function (b) { if (this.data("dateinput")) return this; b = a.extend(!0, {}, e.conf, b), a.each(b.css, function (a, c) { !c && a != "prefix" && (b.css[a] = (b.css.prefix || "") + (c || a)) }); var d; this.each(function () { var e = new o(a(this), b); c.push(e); var f = e.getInput().data("dateinput", e); d = d ? d.add(f) : f }); return d ? d : this } })(jQuery); (function (a) { a.tools = a.tools || { version: "v1.2.7" }, a.tools.overlay = { addEffect: function (a, b, d) { c[a] = [b, d] }, conf: { close: null, closeOnClick: !0, closeOnEsc: !0, closeSpeed: "fast", effect: "default", fixed: !a.browser.msie || a.browser.version > 6, left: "center", load: !1, mask: null, oneInstance: !0, speed: "normal", target: null, top: "10%" } }; var b = [], c = {}; a.tools.overlay.addEffect("default", function (b, c) { var d = this.getConf(), e = a(window); d.fixed || (b.top += e.scrollTop(), b.left += e.scrollLeft()), b.position = d.fixed ? "fixed" : "absolute", this.getOverlay().css(b).fadeIn(d.speed, c) }, function (a) { this.getOverlay().fadeOut(this.getConf().closeSpeed, a) }); function d(d, e) { var f = this, g = d.add(f), h = a(window), i, j, k, l = a.tools.expose && (e.mask || e.expose), m = Math.random().toString().slice(10); l && (typeof l == "string" && (l = { color: l }), l.closeOnClick = l.closeOnEsc = !1); var n = e.target || d.attr("rel"); j = n ? a(n) : null || d; if (!j.length) throw "Could not find Overlay: " + n; d && d.index(j) == -1 && d.click(function (a) { f.load(a); return a.preventDefault() }), a.extend(f, { load: function (d) { if (f.isOpened()) return f; var i = c[e.effect]; if (!i) throw "Overlay: cannot find effect : \"" + e.effect + "\""; e.oneInstance && a.each(b, function () { this.close(d) }), d = d || a.Event(), d.type = "onBeforeLoad", g.trigger(d); if (d.isDefaultPrevented()) return f; k = !0, l && a(j).expose(l); var n = e.top, o = e.left, p = j.outerWidth({ margin: !0 }), q = j.outerHeight({ margin: !0 }); typeof n == "string" && (n = n == "center" ? Math.max((h.height() - q) / 2, 0) : parseInt(n, 10) / 100 * h.height()), o == "center" && (o = Math.max((h.width() - p) / 2, 0)), i[0].call(f, { top: n, left: o }, function () { k && (d.type = "onLoad", g.trigger(d)) }), l && e.closeOnClick && a.mask.getMask().one("click", f.close), e.closeOnClick && a(document).on("click." + m, function (b) { a(b.target).parents(j).length || f.close(b) }), e.closeOnEsc && a(document).on("keydown." + m, function (a) { a.keyCode == 27 && f.close(a) }); return f }, close: function (b) { if (!f.isOpened()) return f; b = b || a.Event(), b.type = "onBeforeClose", g.trigger(b); if (!b.isDefaultPrevented()) { k = !1, c[e.effect][1].call(f, function () { b.type = "onClose", g.trigger(b) }), a(document).off("click." + m + " keydown." + m), l && a.mask.close(); return f } }, getOverlay: function () { return j }, getTrigger: function () { return d }, getClosers: function () { return i }, isOpened: function () { return k }, getConf: function () { return e } }), a.each("onBeforeLoad,onStart,onLoad,onBeforeClose,onClose".split(","), function (b, c) { a.isFunction(e[c]) && a(f).on(c, e[c]), f[c] = function (b) { b && a(f).on(c, b); return f } }), i = j.find(e.close || ".close"), !i.length && !e.close && (i = a(""), j.prepend(i)), i.click(function (a) { f.close(a) }), e.load && f.load() } a.fn.overlay = function (c) { var e = this.data("overlay"); if (e) return e; a.isFunction(c) && (c = { onBeforeLoad: c }), c = a.extend(!0, {}, a.tools.overlay.conf, c), this.each(function () { e = new d(a(this), c), b.push(e), a(this).data("overlay", e) }); return c.api ? e : this } })(jQuery); (function (a) { var b = a.tools.overlay, c = a(window); a.extend(b.conf, { start: { top: null, left: null }, fadeInSpeed: "fast", zIndex: 9999 }); function d(a) { var b = a.offset(); return { top: b.top + a.height() / 2, left: b.left + a.width() / 2 } } var e = function (b, e) { var f = this.getOverlay(), g = this.getConf(), h = this.getTrigger(), i = this, j = f.outerWidth({ margin: !0 }), k = f.data("img"), l = g.fixed ? "fixed" : "absolute"; if (!k) { var m = f.css("backgroundImage"); if (!m) throw "background-image CSS property not set for overlay"; m = m.slice(m.indexOf("(") + 1, m.indexOf(")")).replace(/\"/g, ""), f.css("backgroundImage", "none"), k = a(""), k.css({ border: 0, display: "none" }).width(j), a("body").append(k), f.data("img", k) } var n = g.start.top || Math.round(c.height() / 2), o = g.start.left || Math.round(c.width() / 2); if (h) { var p = d(h); n = p.top, o = p.left } g.fixed ? (n -= c.scrollTop(), o -= c.scrollLeft()) : (b.top += c.scrollTop(), b.left += c.scrollLeft()), k.css({ position: "absolute", top: n, left: o, width: 0, zIndex: g.zIndex }).show(), b.position = l, f.css(b), k.animate({ top: b.top, left: b.left, width: j }, g.speed, function () { f.css("zIndex", g.zIndex + 1).fadeIn(g.fadeInSpeed, function () { i.isOpened() && !a(this).index(f) ? e.call() : f.hide() }) }).css("position", l) }, f = function (b) { var e = this.getOverlay().hide(), f = this.getConf(), g = this.getTrigger(), h = e.data("img"), i = { top: f.start.top, left: f.start.left, width: 0 }; g && a.extend(i, d(g)), f.fixed && h.css({ position: "absolute" }).animate({ top: "+=" + c.scrollTop(), left: "+=" + c.scrollLeft() }, 0), h.animate(i, f.closeSpeed, b) }; b.addEffect("apple", e, f) })(jQuery); (function (a) { a.tools = a.tools || { version: "v1.2.7" }; var b; b = a.tools.rangeinput = { conf: { min: 0, max: 100, step: "any", steps: 0, value: 0, precision: undefined, vertical: 0, keyboard: !0, progress: !1, speed: 100, css: { input: "range", slider: "slider", progress: "progress", handle: "handle" } } }; var c, d; a.fn.drag = function (b) { document.ondragstart = function () { return !1 }, b = a.extend({ x: !0, y: !0, drag: !0 }, b), c = c || a(document).on("mousedown mouseup", function (e) { var f = a(e.target); if (e.type == "mousedown" && f.data("drag")) { var g = f.position(), h = e.pageX - g.left, i = e.pageY - g.top, j = !0; c.on("mousemove.drag", function (a) { var c = a.pageX - h, e = a.pageY - i, g = {}; b.x && (g.left = c), b.y && (g.top = e), j && (f.trigger("dragStart"), j = !1), b.drag && f.css(g), f.trigger("drag", [e, c]), d = f }), e.preventDefault() } else try { d && d.trigger("dragEnd") } finally { c.off("mousemove.drag"), d = null } }); return this.data("drag", !0) }; function e(a, b) { var c = Math.pow(10, b); return Math.round(a * c) / c } function f(a, b) { var c = parseInt(a.css(b), 10); if (c) return c; var d = a[0].currentStyle; return d && d.width && parseInt(d.width, 10) } function g(a) { var b = a.data("events"); return b && b.onSlide } function h(b, c) { var d = this, h = c.css, i = a("
    ").data("rangeinput", d), j, k, l, m, n; b.before(i); var o = i.addClass(h.slider).find("a").addClass(h.handle), p = i.find("div").addClass(h.progress); a.each("min,max,step,value".split(","), function (a, d) { var e = b.attr(d); parseFloat(e) && (c[d] = parseFloat(e, 10)) }); var q = c.max - c.min, r = c.step == "any" ? 0 : c.step, s = c.precision; s === undefined && (s = r.toString().split("."), s = s.length === 2 ? s[1].length : 0); if (b.attr("type") == "range") { var t = b.clone().wrap("
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(o.animate({ top: f }, l, t), c.progress && p.animate({ height: m - f + o.height() / 2 }, l)) : (o.animate({ left: f }, l, t), c.progress && p.animate({ width: f + o.width() / 2 }, l)), k = g, n = f, b.val(g); return d } a.extend(d, { getValue: function () { return k }, setValue: function (b, c) { y(); return x(c || a.Event("api"), undefined, b, !0) }, getConf: function () { return c }, getProgress: function () { return p }, getHandle: function () { return o }, getInput: function () { return b }, step: function (b, e) { e = e || a.Event(); var f = c.step == "any" ? 1 : c.step; d.setValue(k + f * (b || 1), e) }, stepUp: function (a) { return d.step(a || 1) }, stepDown: function (a) { return d.step(-a || -1) } }), a.each("onSlide,change".split(","), function (b, e) { a.isFunction(c[e]) && a(d).on(e, c[e]), d[e] = function (b) { b && a(d).on(e, b); return d } }), o.drag({ drag: !1 }).on("dragStart", function () { y(), w = g(a(d)) || g(b) }).on("drag", function (a, c, d) { if (b.is(":disabled")) return !1; x(a, j ? c : d) }).on("dragEnd", function (a) { a.isDefaultPrevented() || (a.type = "change", v.trigger(a, [k])) }).click(function (a) { return a.preventDefault() }), i.click(function (a) { if (b.is(":disabled") || a.target == o[0]) return a.preventDefault(); y(); var c = j ? o.height() / 2 : o.width() / 2; x(a, j ? m - l - c + a.pageY : a.pageX - l - c) }), c.keyboard && b.keydown(function (c) { if (!b.attr("readonly")) { var e = c.keyCode, f = a([75, 76, 38, 33, 39]).index(e) != -1, g = a([74, 72, 40, 34, 37]).index(e) != -1; if ((f || g) && !(c.shiftKey || c.altKey || c.ctrlKey)) { f ? d.step(e == 33 ? 10 : 1, c) : g && d.step(e == 34 ? -10 : -1, c); return c.preventDefault() } } }), b.blur(function (b) { var c = a(this).val(); c !== k && d.setValue(c, b) }), a.extend(b[0], { stepUp: d.stepUp, stepDown: d.stepDown }); function y() { j = c.vertical || f(i, "height") > f(i, "width"), j ? (m = f(i, "height") - f(o, "height"), l = i.offset().top + m) : (m = f(i, "width") - f(o, "width"), l = i.offset().left) } function z() { y(), d.setValue(c.value !== undefined ? c.value : c.min) } z(), m || a(window).load(z) } a.expr[":"].range = function (b) { var c = b.getAttribute("type"); return c && c == "range" || a(b).filter("input").data("rangeinput") }, a.fn.rangeinput = function (c) { if (this.data("rangeinput")) return this; c = a.extend(!0, {}, b.conf, c); var d; this.each(function () { var b = new h(a(this), a.extend(!0, {}, c)), e = b.getInput().data("rangeinput", b); d = d ? d.add(e) : e }); return d ? d : this } })(jQuery); (function (a) { a.tools = a.tools || { version: "v1.2.7" }, a.tools.scrollable = { conf: { activeClass: "active", circular: !1, clonedClass: "cloned", disabledClass: "disabled", easing: "swing", initialIndex: 0, item: "> *", items: ".items", keyboard: !0, mousewheel: !1, next: ".next", prev: ".prev", size: 1, speed: 400, vertical: !1, touch: !0, wheelSpeed: 0 } }; function b(a, b) { var c = parseInt(a.css(b), 10); if (c) return c; var d = a[0].currentStyle; return d && d.width && parseInt(d.width, 10) } function c(b, c) { var d = a(c); return d.length < 2 ? d : b.parent().find(c) } var d; function e(b, e) { var f = this, g = b.add(f), h = b.children(), i = 0, j = e.vertical; d || (d = f), h.length > 1 && (h = a(e.items, b)), e.size > 1 && (e.circular = !1), a.extend(f, { getConf: function () { return e }, getIndex: function () { return i }, getSize: function () { return f.getItems().size() }, getNaviButtons: function () { return n.add(o) }, getRoot: function () { return b }, getItemWrap: function () { return h }, getItems: function () { return h.find(e.item).not("." + e.clonedClass) }, move: function (a, b) { return f.seekTo(i + a, b) }, next: function (a) { return f.move(e.size, a) }, prev: function (a) { return f.move(-e.size, a) }, begin: function (a) { return f.seekTo(0, a) }, end: function (a) { return f.seekTo(f.getSize() - 1, a) }, focus: function () { d = f; return f }, addItem: function (b) { b = a(b), e.circular ? (h.children().last().before(b), h.children().first().replaceWith(b.clone().addClass(e.clonedClass))) : (h.append(b), o.removeClass("disabled")), g.trigger("onAddItem", [b]); return f }, seekTo: function (b, c, k) { b.jquery || (b *= 1); if (e.circular && b === 0 && i == -1 && c !== 0) return f; if (!e.circular && b < 0 || b > f.getSize() || b < -1) return f; var l = b; b.jquery ? b = f.getItems().index(b) : l = f.getItems().eq(b); var m = a.Event("onBeforeSeek"); if (!k) { g.trigger(m, [b, c]); if (m.isDefaultPrevented() || !l.length) return f } var n = j ? { top: -l.position().top } : { left: -l.position().left }; i = b, d = f, c === undefined && (c = e.speed), h.animate(n, c, e.easing, k || function () { g.trigger("onSeek", [b]) }); return f } }), a.each(["onBeforeSeek", "onSeek", "onAddItem"], function (b, c) { a.isFunction(e[c]) && a(f).on(c, e[c]), f[c] = function (b) { b && a(f).on(c, b); return f } }); if (e.circular) { var k = f.getItems().slice(-1).clone().prependTo(h), l = f.getItems().eq(1).clone().appendTo(h); k.add(l).addClass(e.clonedClass), f.onBeforeSeek(function (a, b, c) { if (!a.isDefaultPrevented()) { if (b == -1) { f.seekTo(k, c, function () { f.end(0) }); return a.preventDefault() } b == f.getSize() && f.seekTo(l, c, function () { f.begin(0) }) } }); var m = b.parents().add(b).filter(function () { if (a(this).css("display") === "none") return !0 }); m.length ? (m.show(), f.seekTo(0, 0, function () { }), m.hide()) : f.seekTo(0, 0, function () { }) } var n = c(b, e.prev).click(function (a) { a.stopPropagation(), f.prev() }), o = c(b, e.next).click(function (a) { a.stopPropagation(), f.next() }); e.circular || (f.onBeforeSeek(function (a, b) { setTimeout(function () { a.isDefaultPrevented() || (n.toggleClass(e.disabledClass, b <= 0), o.toggleClass(e.disabledClass, b >= f.getSize() - 1)) }, 1) }), e.initialIndex || n.addClass(e.disabledClass)), f.getSize() < 2 && n.add(o).addClass(e.disabledClass), e.mousewheel && a.fn.mousewheel && b.mousewheel(function (a, b) { if (e.mousewheel) { f.move(b < 0 ? 1 : -1, e.wheelSpeed || 50); return !1 } }); if (e.touch) { var p = {}; h[0].ontouchstart = function (a) { var b = a.touches[0]; p.x = b.clientX, p.y = b.clientY }, h[0].ontouchmove = function (a) { if (a.touches.length == 1 && !h.is(":animated")) { var b = a.touches[0], c = p.x - b.clientX, d = p.y - b.clientY; f[j && d > 0 || !j && c > 0 ? "next" : "prev"](), a.preventDefault() } } } e.keyboard && a(document).on("keydown.scrollable", function (b) { if (!(!e.keyboard || b.altKey || b.ctrlKey || b.metaKey || a(b.target).is(":input"))) { if (e.keyboard != "static" && d != f) return; var c = b.keyCode; if (j && (c == 38 || c == 40)) { f.move(c == 38 ? -1 : 1); return b.preventDefault() } if (!j && (c == 37 || c == 39)) { f.move(c == 37 ? -1 : 1); return b.preventDefault() } } }), e.initialIndex && f.seekTo(e.initialIndex, 0, function () { }) } a.fn.scrollable = function (b) { var c = this.data("scrollable"); if (c) return c; b = a.extend({}, a.tools.scrollable.conf, b), this.each(function () { c = new e(a(this), b), a(this).data("scrollable", c) }); return b.api ? c : this } })(jQuery); (function (a) { var b = a.tools.scrollable; b.autoscroll = { conf: { autoplay: !0, interval: 3e3, autopause: !0 } }, a.fn.autoscroll = function (c) { typeof c == "number" && (c = { interval: c }); var d = a.extend({}, b.autoscroll.conf, c), e; this.each(function () { var b = a(this).data("scrollable"), c = b.getRoot(), f, g = !1; function h() { f && clearTimeout(f), f = setTimeout(function () { b.next() }, d.interval) } b && (e = b), b.play = function () { f || (g = !1, c.on("onSeek", h), h()) }, b.pause = function () { f = clearTimeout(f), c.off("onSeek", h) }, b.resume = function () { g || b.play() }, b.stop = function () { g = !0, b.pause() }, d.autopause && c.add(b.getNaviButtons()).hover(b.pause, b.resume), d.autoplay && b.play() }); return d.api ? e : this } })(jQuery); (function (a) { var b = a.tools.scrollable; b.navigator = { conf: { navi: ".navi", naviItem: null, activeClass: "active", indexed: !1, idPrefix: null, history: !1 } }; function c(b, c) { var d = a(c); return d.length < 2 ? d : b.parent().find(c) } a.fn.navigator = function (d) { typeof d == "string" && (d = { navi: d }), d = a.extend({}, b.navigator.conf, d); var e; this.each(function () { var b = a(this).data("scrollable"), f = d.navi.jquery ? d.navi : c(b.getRoot(), d.navi), g = b.getNaviButtons(), h = d.activeClass, i = d.history && history.pushState, j = b.getConf().size; b && (e = b), b.getNaviButtons = function () { return g.add(f) }, i && (history.pushState({ i: 0 }, ""), a(window).on("popstate", function (a) { var c = a.originalEvent.state; c && b.seekTo(c.i) })); function k(a, c, d) { b.seekTo(c), d.preventDefault(), i && history.pushState({ i: c }, "") } function l() { return f.find(d.naviItem || "> *") } function m(b) { var c = a("<" + (d.naviItem || "a") + "/>").click(function (c) { k(a(this), b, c) }); b === 0 && c.addClass(h), d.indexed && c.text(b + 1), d.idPrefix && c.attr("id", d.idPrefix + b); return c.appendTo(f) } l().length ? l().each(function (b) { a(this).click(function (c) { k(a(this), b, c) }) }) : a.each(b.getItems(), function (a) { a % j == 0 && m(a) }), b.onBeforeSeek(function (a, b) { setTimeout(function () { if (!a.isDefaultPrevented()) { var c = b / j, d = l().eq(c); d.length && l().removeClass(h).eq(c).addClass(h) } }, 1) }), b.onAddItem(function (a, c) { var d = b.getItems().index(c); d % j == 0 && m(d) }) }); return d.api ? e : this } })(jQuery); (function (a) { a.tools = a.tools || { version: "v1.2.7" }, a.tools.tabs = { conf: { tabs: "a", current: "current", onBeforeClick: null, onClick: null, effect: "default", initialEffect: !1, initialIndex: 0, event: "click", rotate: !1, slideUpSpeed: 400, slideDownSpeed: 400, history: !1 }, addEffect: function (a, c) { b[a] = c } }; var b = { "default": function (a, b) { this.getPanes().hide().eq(a).show(), b.call() }, fade: function (a, b) { var c = this.getConf(), d = c.fadeOutSpeed, e = this.getPanes(); d ? e.fadeOut(d) : e.hide(), e.eq(a).fadeIn(c.fadeInSpeed, b) }, slide: function (a, b) { var c = this.getConf(); this.getPanes().slideUp(c.slideUpSpeed), this.getPanes().eq(a).slideDown(c.slideDownSpeed, b) }, ajax: function (a, b) { this.getPanes().eq(0).load(this.getTabs().eq(a).attr("href"), b) } }, c, d; a.tools.tabs.addEffect("horizontal", function (b, e) { if (!c) { var f = this.getPanes().eq(b), g = this.getCurrentPane(); d || (d = this.getPanes().eq(0).width()), c = !0, f.show(), g.animate({ width: 0 }, { step: function (a) { f.css("width", d - a) }, complete: function () { a(this).hide(), e.call(), c = !1 } }), g.length || (e.call(), c = !1) } }); function e(c, d, e) { var f = this, g = c.add(this), h = c.find(e.tabs), i = d.jquery ? d : c.children(d), j; h.length || (h = c.children()), i.length || (i = c.parent().find(d)), i.length || (i = a(d)), a.extend(this, { click: function (d, i) { var k = h.eq(d), l = !c.data("tabs"); typeof d == "string" && d.replace("#", "") && (k = h.filter("[href*=\"" + d.replace("#", "") + "\"]"), d = Math.max(h.index(k), 0)); if (e.rotate) { var m = h.length - 1; if (d < 0) return f.click(m, i); if (d > m) return f.click(0, i) } if (!k.length) { if (j >= 0) return f; d = e.initialIndex, k = h.eq(d) } if (d === j) return f; i = i || a.Event(), i.type = "onBeforeClick", g.trigger(i, [d]); if (!i.isDefaultPrevented()) { var n = l ? e.initialEffect && e.effect || "default" : e.effect; b[n].call(f, d, function () { j = d, i.type = "onClick", g.trigger(i, [d]) }), h.removeClass(e.current), k.addClass(e.current); return f } }, getConf: function () { return e }, getTabs: function () { return h }, getPanes: function () { return i }, getCurrentPane: function () { return i.eq(j) }, getCurrentTab: function () { return h.eq(j) }, getIndex: function () { return j }, next: function () { return f.click(j + 1) }, prev: function () { return f.click(j - 1) }, destroy: function () { h.off(e.event).removeClass(e.current), i.find("a[href^=\"#\"]").off("click.T"); return f } }), a.each("onBeforeClick,onClick".split(","), function (b, c) { a.isFunction(e[c]) && a(f).on(c, e[c]), f[c] = function (b) { b && a(f).on(c, b); return f } }), e.history && a.fn.history && (a.tools.history.init(h), e.event = "history"), h.each(function (b) { a(this).on(e.event, function (a) { f.click(b, a); return a.preventDefault() }) }), i.find("a[href^=\"#\"]").on("click.T", function (b) { f.click(a(this).attr("href"), b) }), location.hash && e.tabs == "a" && c.find("[href=\"" + location.hash + "\"]").length ? f.click(location.hash) : (e.initialIndex === 0 || e.initialIndex > 0) && f.click(e.initialIndex) } a.fn.tabs = function (b, c) { var d = this.data("tabs"); d && (d.destroy(), this.removeData("tabs")), a.isFunction(c) && (c = { onBeforeClick: c }), c = a.extend({}, a.tools.tabs.conf, c), this.each(function () { d = new e(a(this), b, c), a(this).data("tabs", d) }); return c.api ? d : this } })(jQuery); (function (a) { var b; b = a.tools.tabs.slideshow = { conf: { next: ".forward", prev: ".backward", disabledClass: "disabled", autoplay: !1, autopause: !0, interval: 3e3, clickable: !0, api: !1 } }; function c(b, c) { var d = this, e = b.add(this), f = b.data("tabs"), g, h = !0; function i(c) { var d = a(c); return d.length < 2 ? d : b.parent().find(c) } var j = i(c.next).click(function () { f.next() }), k = i(c.prev).click(function () { f.prev() }); function l() { g = setTimeout(function () { f.next() }, c.interval) } a.extend(d, { getTabs: function () { return f }, getConf: function () { return c }, play: function () { if (g) return d; var b = a.Event("onBeforePlay"); e.trigger(b); if (b.isDefaultPrevented()) return d; h = !1, e.trigger("onPlay"), e.on("onClick", l), l(); return d }, pause: function () { if (!g) return d; var b = a.Event("onBeforePause"); e.trigger(b); if (b.isDefaultPrevented()) return d; g = clearTimeout(g), e.trigger("onPause"), e.off("onClick", l); return d }, resume: function () { h || d.play() }, stop: function () { d.pause(), h = !0 } }), a.each("onBeforePlay,onPlay,onBeforePause,onPause".split(","), function (b, e) { a.isFunction(c[e]) && a(d).on(e, c[e]), d[e] = function (b) { return a(d).on(e, b) } }), c.autopause && f.getTabs().add(j).add(k).add(f.getPanes()).hover(d.pause, d.resume), c.autoplay && d.play(), c.clickable && f.getPanes().click(function () { f.next() }); if (!f.getConf().rotate) { var m = c.disabledClass; f.getIndex() || k.addClass(m), f.onBeforeClick(function (a, b) { k.toggleClass(m, !b), j.toggleClass(m, b == f.getTabs().length - 1) }) } } a.fn.slideshow = function (d) { var e = this.data("slideshow"); if (e) return e; d = a.extend({}, b.conf, d), this.each(function () { e = new c(a(this), d), a(this).data("slideshow", e) }); return d.api ? e : this } })(jQuery); (function (a) { a.tools = a.tools || { version: "v1.2.7" }; var b; b = a.tools.expose = { conf: { maskId: "exposeMask", loadSpeed: "slow", closeSpeed: "fast", closeOnClick: !0, closeOnEsc: !0, zIndex: 9998, opacity: .8, startOpacity: 0, color: "#fff", onLoad: null, onClose: null } }; function c() { if (a.browser.msie) { var b = a(document).height(), c = a(window).height(); return [window.innerWidth || document.documentElement.clientWidth || document.body.clientWidth, b - c < 20 ? c : b] } return [a(document).width(), a(document).height()] } function d(b) { if (b) return b.call(a.mask) } var e, f, g, h, i; a.mask = { load: function (j, k) { if (g) return this; typeof j == "string" && (j = { color: j }), j = j || h, h = j = a.extend(a.extend({}, b.conf), j), e = a("#" + j.maskId), e.length || (e = a("
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    Click here to download latest version

    " : "

    Download latest version from here

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